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Scattering by chorus waves as the dominant cause of diffuse auroral precipitation


Earth’s diffuse aurora occurs over a broad latitude range1 and is primarily caused by the precipitation of low-energy (0.1–30-keV) electrons originating in the central plasma sheet2, which is the source region for hot electrons in the nightside outer magnetosphere. Although generally not visible, the diffuse auroral precipitation provides the main source of energy for the high-latitude nightside upper atmosphere3, leading to enhanced ionization and chemical changes. Previous theoretical studies have indicated that two distinct classes of magnetospheric plasma wave, electrostatic electron cyclotron harmonic waves4,5 and whistler-mode chorus waves6,7, could be responsible for the electron scattering that leads to diffuse auroral precipitation, but it has hitherto not been possible to determine which is the more important. Here we report an analysis of satellite wave data and Fokker–Planck diffusion calculations which reveals that scattering by chorus is the dominant cause of the most intense diffuse auroral precipitation. This resolves a long-standing controversy. Furthermore, scattering by chorus can remove most electrons as they drift around Earth’s magnetosphere, leading to the development of observed pancake distributions8, and can account for the global morphology of the diffuse aurora1,3.

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Figure 1: Auroral zone plasma waves and resultant electron phase space density.
Figure 2: Global distributions and variability of diffuse auroral emissions, the electron source population and plasma waves.
Figure 3: Pitch-angle and momentum diffusion rates.
Figure 4: Evolution of the electron distribution due to wave scattering.

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This work was funded in part by NSF grant ATM 0802843 and by the UK Natural Environment Research Council. We thank R. R. Anderson for provision of the CRRES plasma wave data used in this study and S. Petrinec for reproduction of the PIXIE observations.

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R.M.T. and R.B.H. conceived the idea and oversaw the project development at UCLA and BAS, respectively. B.N. evaluated the diffusion rates on the basis of a statistical analysis of CRRES wave data by N.P.M. X.T. evaluated the temporal change in the electron distributions.

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Correspondence to Richard M. Thorne.

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The authors declare no competing financial interests.

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This file contains Supplementary Text comprising: Computation of chorus driven quasi-linear diffusion coefficients; Computation of ECH wave driven quasi-linear diffusion coefficients; Calculation of evolution of the electron phase space density. Also included are additional references and Supplementary Table 1. (PDF 295 kb)

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Thorne, R., Ni, B., Tao, X. et al. Scattering by chorus waves as the dominant cause of diffuse auroral precipitation. Nature 467, 943–946 (2010).

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