Nature 449, 452–455 (2007)

A recalibration of the Caltech 236U and 229Th spike has determined that the original spike value used for the stalagmite chronologies yielded U–Th ages that were too old by a margin of 2–3%. U–Th ages and subsequent age models have been recalculated using the new spike value for all stalagmites. The new age models alter the absolute timing of certain events, but do not alter any major conclusions of the original manuscript. The highest δ18O values (inferred driest conditions) now occur at 16.0 ± 0.3 kyr ago. A late deglacial δ18O plateau in the Borneo stalagmite records is now centred at 13.0 ± 0.2 kyr ago. The lowest δ18O values (inferred wettest conditions) now occur at 5.0 ± 0.1 kyr ago. Examples of original and adjusted dates, respectively, at 5 kyr intervals are as follows: 5280 versus 5141 (SSC01); 10581 versus 10293 (SSC01); 15673 versus 15231 (BA04); 20937 versus 20322 (BA04); and 26387 versus 25602 (SCH02). Revised chronologies are available at: