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Decoupling of erosion and precipitation in the Himalayas


The hypothesis that abrupt spatial gradients in erosion can cause high strain rates in active orogens has been supported by numerical models that couple erosional processes with lithospheric deformation via gravitational feedbacks1,2,3. Most such models invoke a ‘stream-power’ rule, in which either increased discharge or steeper channel slopes cause higher erosion rates. Spatial variations in precipitation and slopes are therefore predicted to correlate with gradients in both erosion rates and crustal strain. Here we combine observations from a meteorological network across the Greater Himalaya, Nepal, along with estimates of erosion rates at geologic timescales (greater than 100,000 yr) from low-temperature thermochronometry. Across a zone of about 20 km length spanning the Himalayan crest and encompassing a more than fivefold difference in monsoon precipitation, significant spatial variations in geologic erosion rates are not detectable. Decreased rainfall is not balanced by steeper channels. Instead, additional factors that influence river incision rates, such as channel width and sediment concentrations, must compensate for decreasing precipitation. Overall, spatially constant erosion is a response to uniform, upward tectonic transport of Greater Himalayan rock above a crustal ramp.

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Figure 1: Three-dimensional perspective view of study area, showing locations of major geologic structures, meteorological stations, and apatite fission-track samples.
Figure 2: Monsoon precipitation, apatite fission-track ages, glacial equilibrium-line altitude (ELA) and topographic characteristics of the Marsyandi drainage.
Figure 3: Plot of channel gradients, specific stream power, and precipitation gradient versus distance for Marsyandi tributary catchments ranging from 3 to 7 km2.

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This work benefited from discussions with K. Hodges, J. Lavé, A. Heimsath, K. Whipple, P. Koons, M. Brandon and T. Ehlers. We thank P. Molnar and C. Beaumont for comments and suggestions. Logistical support from Himalayan Experience and the Nepalese Department of Hydrology and Meteorology is gratefully acknowledged. This work was funded by the NSF Continental Dynamics program and by NASA.

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Burbank, D., Blythe, A., Putkonen, J. et al. Decoupling of erosion and precipitation in the Himalayas. Nature 426, 652–655 (2003).

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