Correction to: Laboratory Investigation (2009), 89, 971–982; doi:10.1038/labinvest.2009.62

In this article, the authors have identified errors in the figures and figure legends. P values in the figures and figure legends state the significance of a two-tailed Student’s t test, assuming equal variation. However, these values should state the P values of a two-tailed Wilcoxon’s rank sum non-parametric test.

In Figure 2, ‘BAVM vs autopsy controls P=0.001; BAVM vs biopsy controls P=0.039’

In Figure 3, ‘BAVM vs autopsy controls P=0.0006; BAVM vs biopsy controls P=0.015’

In Figure 4, ‘P=0.0253’

In Figure 5, ‘P=0.0253’