Correction to: The Journal of Antibiotics (2018) 71, 60–71; doi:; published online 1 November 2017

The authors of the above article noticed the following errors in the publication.

In the Introduction, the phrase of ‘focusing on the relationship between inflammation and bone disease,’ should have been deleted.

Below is the corrected version of the sentence.

Our recent efforts have directed mechanic study or drug discovery for inflammation and bone disease, focusing on the following fields: prostaglandin release inhibitors during inflammation; regulating of immune cells during inflammation; and bone repair during bone disease.

For the reference numbers, on page 65 right-hand column in ‘Regulation of immune cells during inflammation’ section, the reference numbers ‘55–57’ should be ‘55,56’, and ‘58’ should be ‘57,58’. On page 66, the third sentence of the first paragraph, reference number ‘63’ should be ‘65’. On page 69, the fourth sentence of the second to last paragraph in ‘Bone repair during bone disease,’ reference number ‘84’ should be ‘85’.