Study names

AASK African American study of kidney disease and hypertension

ABCD appropriate blood pressure control in diabetes

ACCESS acute candesartan cilexetil evaluation in stroke survivors

ACCOMPLISH avoiding cardiovascular events through combination therapy in patients living with systolic hypertension

ACCORD action to control cardiovascular risk in diabetes

ACCORD BP action to control cardiovascular risk in diabetes blood pressure

ACTION a coronary disease trial investigating outcome with nifedipine

ADVANCE action in diabetes and vascular disease: preterax and diamicron MR-controlled evaluation

ALLHAT antihypertensive and lipid-lowering treatment to prevent heart attack trial

ALTITUDE aliskiren trial in type 2 diabetes using cardiorenal endpoints

ANBP-2 second Australian national blood pressure study

ARIC atherosclerosis risk in communities

ASCOT Anglo-Scandinavian cardiac outcome trial

ASCOT-BPLA Anglo-Scandinavian cardiac outcomes trial—blood-pressure-lowering arm

ASCOT-LLA Anglo-Scandinavian cardiac outcomes trial—lipid-lowering arm

BAT bleeding with antithrombotic therapy

CAMELOT comparison of amlodipine vs. enalapril to limit occurrences of thrombosis

CAPPP captopril prevention project

CASE-J candesartan antihypertensive survival evaluation in Japan

Challenge-DM candesartan antihypertensive assessment for long life enrolled by general practitioners-target on hypertension with DM

CHS cardiovascular health study

CIRCS circulatory risk in communities study

CONVINCE controlled onset verapamil investigation of cardiovascular end points

COPE combination therapy of hypertension to prevent cardiovascular events

CREDO-Kyoto coronary revascularization demonstrating outcome study in Kyoto

DASH dietary approaches to stop hypertension

EPOCH-JAPAN evidence for cardiovascular prevention from observational cohorts in Japan

EUROPA European trial on reduction of cardiac events with perindopril in stable coronary artery disease

EWPHE European working party on high blood pressure in the elderly trial

EXCEED Exforge intensive control of hypertension to evaluate efficacy in diastolic dysfunction

FACET fosinopril vs. amlodipine cardiovascular events randomized trial

FEVER felodipine event reduction

GUARD gauging albuminuria reduction with Lotrel in diabetic patients with hypertension

HEP hypertension in elderly patients

HIJ-CREATE Heart institute of Japan candesartan randomized trial for evaluation in coronary artery disease

HOMED BP hypertension objective treatment based on measurement by electrical devices of blood pressure

HOT hypertension optimal treatment

HYVET hypertension in the very elderly trial

IDHOCO international database of home blood pressure in relation to cardiovascular outcome

IDNT irbesartan diabetic nephropathy trial

INNOVATION incipient to overt: angiotensin II receptor blocker, telmisartan, investigation on type 2 diabetic nephropathy

INSIGHT international Nifedipine GITS study: intervention as a goal in hypertension treatment

INTERACT intensive blood pressure reduction in acute cerebral hemorrhage trial

INTERMAP international study of macro- and micronutrients and blood pressure

INTERSALT international study of salt and blood pressure

INVEST international verapamil-trandolapril study

IRMA-2 irbesartan in patients with type 2 diabetes and microalbuminuria study

J-HOME Japan home vs. office blood pressure measurement evaluation

J-LIT Japan lipid intervention trial

J-MIND Japan multicenter investigation of antihypertensive treatment for nephropathy in diabetes study

JATOS Japanese trial to assess optimal systolic blood pressure in elderly hypertensive patients

JMIC-B Japan multicenter investigation for cardiovascular disease-B

JPHC Japan public health center-based prospective study

LIFE losartan intervention for endpoint reduction in hypertension

MARVAL microalbuminuria reduction with valsartan

MEGA management of elevated cholesterol in the primary prevention group of adult Japanese

MOSES morbidity and mortality after stroke, eprosartan compared with nitrendipine for secondary prevention

MRC II medical research council study

NHANES national health and nutrition examination survey

NICS-EH national intervention cooperative study in elderly hypertensives

NIPPON DATA national integrated project for prospective observation of non-communicable disease and its trends in the aged

NORMALISE Norvasc for regression of manifest atherosclerotic lesions by intravascular sonographic evaluation

OmniHeart optimal macronutrient intake trial to prevent heart disease

ONTARGET ongoing telmisartan alone and in combination with ramipril global endpoint trial

OSCAR olmesartan and calcium antagonists randomized study

PATE- Hypertension practitioner's trial on the efficacy of antihypertensive treatment in the elderly hypertension

PET positron emission tomography

PRoFESS prevention regimen for effectively avoiding second strokes

PROGRESS perindopril protection against recurrent stroke study

REIN ramipril efficacy in nephropathy

RENAAL reduction of end points in NIDDM with the angiotensin II antagonist losartan

ROADMAP randomized olmesartan and diabetes microalbuminuria prevention

SAMURAI-ICH stroke acute management with urgent risk-factor assessment and improvement-ICH

SCAST Scandinavian candesartan acute stroke trial

SHEP systolic hypertension in the elderly program

STONE Shanghai trial of nifedipine in the elderly

STOP- Hypertension Swedish trial in old patients with hypertension

Syst-China systolic hypertension in China

Syst-Eur systolic hypertension in Europe

TONE trial of nonpharmacologic interventions in the elderly

UKPDS UK prospective diabetes study

VALISH valsartan in elderly isolated systolic hypertension

VALUE valsartan antihypertensive long-term use evaluation

WASID warfarin-aspirin symptomatic intracranial disease

Technical terms

ABI ankle brachia index

ABPM ambulatory blood pressure monitoring

ACE angiotensin-converting enzyme

ACTH adrenocorticotropic hormone

ADL activities of daily living

AHI apnea–hypopnea index

AI augmentation index

ARB angiotensin ii receptor blocker

ARC active renin concentration

ARR aldosterone-to-renin ratio

ba PWV brachial-ankle PWV

BDI Beck depression inventory

BMI body mass index

BP blood pressure

BTZ benzothiazepine

CAD coronary artery disease

CAVI cardio-ankle vascular index

CCr creatinine clearance

cf PWV carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity

CKD chronic kidney disease

COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

COX cyclooxygenase

CPAP continuous positive airway pressure

CRP C-reactive protein

CT computed tomography

CTA computed tomography angiography

CTR cardio-thoracic ratio

CVD cardiovascular disease

CYP cytochrome P450

DBP diastolic blood pressure

DHA docosahexaenoic acid

DHP dihydropyridine

DRI direct renin inhibitor

DSWMH deep and subcortical white matter hyperintensity

eGFR estimated glomerular filtration rate

EPA eicosapentaenoic acid

ESRD end-stage renal disease

FMD flow-mediated dilatation

GDS geriatric depression scale

GWAS genome-wide association study

HDL high-density lipoprotein

HELLP hemolysis/elevated liver enzymes/low platelet count

HMG-CoA hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA

ICER incremental cost-effectiveness ratio

ISA intrinsic sympathomimetic activity

LDL low-density lipoprotein

LVH left ventricular hypertrophy

MCI mild cognitive impairment

MDCT multi-detector computed tomography

MDRD modification of diet in renal disease

MetS metabolic syndrome

MMSE mini-mental state examination

MRA magnetic resonance angiography

MRI magnetic resonance imaging

NSAIDs non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

NT-proBNP N-terminal prohormone of brain natriuretic peptide

OGTT oral glucose tolerance test

OSAS obstructive sleep apnea syndrome

PA primary aldosteronism

PAC plasma aldosterone concentration

PIGF placental growth factor

PN periarteritis nodosa

PPARγ peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma

PRA plasma renin activity

PSG polysomnography

PSS progressive systemic sclerosis

PSV peak systolic velocity

PTRA percutaneous transluminal renal angioplasty

PVH periventricular hyperintensity

PWV pulse wave velocity

QALY quality-adjusted life year

QOL quality of life

RCT randomized controlled trial

RVHT renovascular hypertension

SBP systolic blood pressure

SFlt soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase

t-PA tissue plasminogen activator

TIA transient ischemic attack

TRAb thyroid receptor antibodies

TSAb thyroid-stimulating antibody

TSH thyroid-stimulating hormone

URAT 1 urate transporter 1


ACSM American college of sports medicine

ADA American diabetes association

AHA American heart association

BHS British hypertension society

ESC European society of cardiology

ESH European society of hypertension

FDA US food and drug administration

IOM institute of medicine

ISH international society of hypertension

JNC joint national committee on prevention, detection, evaluation, and treatment of high blood pressure

JSH Japanese society of hypertension

KDIGO kidney disease∣improving global outcomes

Minds medical information network distribution service

MRC medical research council

NCEP-ATP III third report of the national cholesterol education program (NCEP) expert panel on detection, evaluation and treatment of high blood cholesterol in adults (adult treatment panel III)

NGSP national glycohemoglobin standardization program

NICE national institute for health and care excellence

WHO world health organization