Correction to: European Journal of Human Genetics (2011) 19, 409–415; doi:10.1038/ejhg.2010.195; published online 1 December 2010

After the publication of the article, the authors noticed that there were errors in the ISCN nomenclature for array findings. The correct nomenclature is:

Case 1: arr Xq28(152638847–153147516) × 2 dn

Case 2: arr Xq28(152269935–154888242) × 2 dn

Case 3: arr Xq28(152802164–154911467) × 2

Case 4: arr Xq27.1q28(139334073–154911467) × 2

Case 5: arr Xp22.33p22.31(1–5676186) × 0 mat, arr Xq27.2q28 (141400011–154899855) × 2 mat

Case 6: arr Xp22.33p22.32(1–6444800) × 0 mat, arr Xq28 (148964141–154837233) × 2 mat

The authors would like to apologise for this error.