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  • Correspondence
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Multi-century evaluation of Sierra Nevada snowpack


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Figure 1: Sierra Nevada 1 April snow water equivalent reconstruction (1500–1980).


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This work was supported by a National Science Foundation CAREER grant (AGS-1349942), a grant from the Department of the Interior Southwest Climate Science Center (US Geological Survey; G13AC00339) and a Swiss National Science Foundation grant (P300P2_154543). We are grateful to Kevin Anchukaitis for discussion and useful input.

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S.B., F.B. and V.T. conceived and designed the study, and wrote the Correspondence with input from E.R.W. and D.W.S. E.R.W. and D.W.S. contributed data and S.B. and F.B. performed the analyses with input from V.T. All authors contributed to the interpretation of the data set and discussion.

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Correspondence to Valerie Trouet.

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Belmecheri, S., Babst, F., Wahl, E. et al. Multi-century evaluation of Sierra Nevada snowpack. Nature Clim Change 6, 2–3 (2016).

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