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Transplant success reignites interest in reprogramming cells against HIV

T cells infected with HIV. Comstock/Stockbyte/Getty

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**An earlier version of this story included a quote that mischaracterized the status of a clinical study. The article had stated: There were concerns that CSL Behring was keen to drop Calimmune’s HIV work, even though the clinical trial was at an advanced stage. Those fears proved well-founded. “Calimmune has been acquired and is no longer pursuing this study, which has been terminated,” says Ronald Mitsuyasu, a professor of medicine in hematology–oncology at the University of California, Los Angeles, who was the principal investigator on the clinical trial. The phase 1/2 study was actually completed. The agent did not move into a phase 3 trial; however, CSL Behring is funding an additional external study that might be able to demonstrate efficacy. The story has been updated for accuracy.


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