The infographic shows the top 25 research partners of big science leading collaborators in 3 fields: high-energy physics, life sciences and genomics.
The Nature Index ranks institutions in the big science fields by their fractional counts (FC), referring to the share of their affiliated authors’ contributions, and article counts (AC) in 82 high-quality journals. The table rankings are for high affiliation articles only, meaning those with authors from 10 or more separate principal institutions.
Nature Index 2019 Collaboration and big science
The partner relationships shown are for the US National Institutes of Health (NIH), which ranks 2nd among the world’s top institutions for producing big science research articles in the field of oncology and immunology and 3rd in the field of genetics; the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), in Switzerland, which is the 3rd biggest contributor to big science articles in physics and astronomy in the Nature Index; and BGI, a genome sequencing company that is China’s biggest contributor to big science in genetics. This infographic is based on all collaborative articles from the three institutions identified, regardless of the number of affiliations.
The top 25 collaborators of the three central institutions are shown according to their joint collaboration score (CS) with the central institution, derived by summing the FCs* from articles with authors from both institutions. CS determines the size of the partner institutions’ bubbles. The rank from 1 to 25 of their CS with the central institution is indicated by their line weight.