The second March for Science is scheduled for 14 April in Washington DC. Organizers hope to recapture the energy and enthusiasm of last year’s event, when more than 1 million researchers and others — in 600 cities around the world — marched in support of evidence-based policy and the application of science for the greater good. Organizers worldwide expect events with fewer marchers, placards and chants but more advocacy-related activities. Berlin is planning a ‘local hero’ programme in which scientists will give public talks at cafes and other venues. March-related activities in Portland, Oregon, will include speeches by local politicians and a science expo with at least 30 presenters. The election and inauguration of Donald Trump as US president helped to spur marchers last year. But Caroline Weinberg, an organizer of the march, says that science activism shouldn’t depend on controversial events to draw interest and participation. “We can’t allow our advocacy to be tethered to those moments,” she says.