Correction to: British Journal of Cancer (2011) 106, 133–140. doi:10.1038/bjc.2011.504

Upon publication of this paper earlier in Volume 106, the authors noticed an error in Figure 2, whereby panels A and B were exact duplicates. The correct Figure is now shown below.

Figure 2
figure 1

Analysis of distant metastasis-free survival and cause-specific survival. (A) Patients classified in the high-risk group (based on CDK1SA >11 maU eU–1) had a significantly worse distant metastasis event rate as compared with the low-risk group (HR=6.2, 95% CI: 1.45–26.9, P=0.0049; exact conditional Monte-Carlo P-value=0.029). (B) Patients classified in the CDK1SA-based high-risk group had a significantly lower cause-specific survival (HR=7.62, 95% CI: 1.80–32.2, P=0.001).

The authors would like to apologise for this error.