Correction to: British Journal of Cancer (2012) 106, 1453–1459. doi:10.1038/bjc.2012.98

In revision of the above paper during the proofing and correction process, an earlier version of Figure 3 was resupplied for publication and, subsequently, published in error. The authors and publishers apologise for this mistake.

The correct Figure 3 and associated legend are shown below.

Figure 3
figure 1

(A) High cytoplasmic SK1 expression in a low S1P4 expression background is associated with shorter disease-free survival compared with patients with low tumour S1P4 and SK1 expression. (B) High cytoplasmic SK1 expression in a low S1P4 expression background is associated with shorter disease-specific survival compared with patients with low tumour S1P4 and SK1 expression. (C) High SK1 or S1P4 expression is associated with shorter disease-specific survival compared with patients with low SK1 and S1P4 expression in their tumours.