The authors gratefully acknowledge the significant contribution of Majid Ezzati, Dominique Michaud and Rodolfo Saracci in reviewing the content of this supplement, and for their helpful critiques and suggestions. We also acknowledge the essential work of the cancer registries in the United Kingdom Association of Cancer Registries in collecting the population-based cancer data used in this supplement. We would also like to thank Thames Cancer Registry for supplying the data on incidence of melanoma used in Section 13, and the General Practice Research Database for the data on hormone prescribing used in Section 10. The authors of Section 12 would like to thank members of the Health Protection Authority Centre for Radiation, Chemical and Environmental Hazards for helpful comments on a draft of this section. At Cancer Research UK, our thanks go to Hazel Nunn, Ed Yong, Sara Hiom and Catherine Thomson for their questions and comments; Colette Pryor for collating incidence data and Katrina Brown for invaluable support in preparing the report for submission.


This work was undertaken by DM Parkin with financial support from Cancer Research UK (Scenario Planning Project). P Sasieni and D Mesher were supported by Cancer Research UK programme grant C8162/A10406 and S Darby by Cancer Research UK programme Grant C500/A104293.