Combining the disciplines of social and behavioural sciences in text seems a tough task, but this book manages to do so very well. Engaging text and clarity of illustrated tables and charts bring the theories and evidence together in a way that facilitates referencing with ease. Scambler and Asimakopoulou present the ‘human side’ of dentistry; they place the provision and perception surrounding oral healthcare in the context of today's contemporary society using logical sequencing and accessible language throughout.

At first glance this book looks like it might be best placed amongst those textbooks that line your dusty shelf reminding you of endless days of study. There is clear focus on giving the reader well referenced critical introductions to theories and practice whilst introducing current online sources of discussion alongside journals. The format presents easy access to clearly defined subject matter and leaves plenty of margin room for personal notes. The discussion points prompt your own critical thinking as well as cementing the high tariff points in the text. This makes it ideal as a teaching aid for all team members from undergraduate through to post-doctoral level.

Further reading begins to uncover a much broader and current target audience, those in dentistry who seek to understand the journey to best practices for both patients and team members: in this group I would include the coaches and trainers in our industry. The focus on behavioural science is well thought out; there are definitely passages that you could read today and work with a sense of informed practice tomorrow.

There is value in the book's content for the whole dental team, not just directed at how we work with the patients, but how we work with each other. No doubt it will find itself a future on the dental student's reading list, and I am sure there will be new editions in years to come. I would suggest this book should be as far away from your dusty shelf as possible, deserving to be well thumbed and bursting with post-its and scribbles that refer to practice, training, provision and policy. It is the most relevant book of its kind.