Prevention in clinical oral health care

  • D. P. Cappelli
UK: Elsevier price £31.99; pp 312 ISBN 9780323036955 | ISBN: 978-0-3230-3695-5

This book focuses on risk-based prevention in clinical practice. The authors have adopted a refreshing approach to the subject, which is holistic rather than discipline specific. Against a backdrop of epidemiological and prevention theory readers are directed on a logical and entertaining journey through risk-based prevention and patient-focussed assessment strategies concluding with putting prevention into practice.

Dental caries, periodontal disease and oral cancer are considered in detail whilst other chapters of note address the fearful and phobic patient and prevention strategies for specific oral conditions, for example, xerostomia. Cultural issues and the thorny issues of putting prevention into practice are covered in some detail and new insight into these topics is provided. Readers will also find comprehensive references and a very useful glossary alongside web addresses for additional resources. A small criticism is possibly the North American focus of certain chapters that might limit the applicability of the authors' recommendations in the UK. Nevertheless this is certainly a book that readers will find valuable.