
Periodontal disease has been linked to multiple systemic diseases and conditions. As such, the treatment of periodontal disease should impact the disease or condition that it is linked to. However, supporting the link proved not to be as straightforward as one might think.

The effect of periodontal treatment on adverse pregnancy outcomes has been the topic of more than ten systematic reviews just in the last ten years, and provided inconsistent conclusions.

This quality review started with a clear question, outcome selection and a very comprehensive search strategy of multiple databases, two trial registries and reference lists of the included studies.

Two authors independently screened for inclusion, extracted data and assessed the risk of bias for randomised controlled trials that reported at least one obstetric outcome. The quality of the evidence was determined using GRADE. Fifteen studies with 7161 participants met the inclusion criteria while two await classification and one is ongoing.

The quality of the evidence was judged as being low to very low because of high bias risk, imprecision or very serious imprecision or serious inconsistency, and as such, likely to change with further research.

The authors pointed to some important considerations for future research. At the centre of those considerations is the lack of universally accepted criteria to establish periodontal status. Using a dichotomous approach for periodontal diagnosis instead of degrees of severity for inclusion or analysis may prove too simplistic and may miss potentially relevant outcomes for specific groups.

Eleven studies compare periodontal treatment with no treatment and the remaining four compare two periodontal treatments of different intensity or complexity. There was a wide range of the number of sessions, type of intervention, who administered treatment and the use of antimicrobials.

Variability from other sources is also present in the included studies. Important known factors like history of preterm birth were not reported in five of the included studies, while smoking status was included in some studies and treated as a reason for exclusion in others.

It is imperative to better address the important shortcomings of the present evidence.

Developing consensus on the criteria use for establishing periodontal status should become the first priority.

Purposely delaying treatment to individuals who could benefit most from it should be carefully considered, if only to improve general health.