
Historically there have been unfavourable attitudes and beliefs among dentists, patients and care-givers concerning successful outcomes and cost-effectiveness in providing complex dental procedures like NSRCT for elders. Epidemiological data indicate that elders have a much higher prevalence of NSRCT, and proportionally more untreated apical pathology than other adults. Critical examination of available evidence will help to assist patients, care-givers, dental professionals and third-party payers in making decisions about the efficacy of NSRCT in elders, leading to a better overall health promotion for the elders, as this population has already experienced loss of more teeth due to extractions.

Included studies came from a wide range of countries, but mostly from very high human development indices: Brazil, Finland, Germany, Italy, Japan, Norway, S. Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, UK and USA. All studies were longitudinal, with sample sizes ranging from 50 to 2,921 teeth. The follow up time was from six to 360 months.

The authors acknowledged that all studies included were observational in nature and some used techniques that are no longer considered current. There existed a high heterogeneity due to differences in reporting units (patients, teeth, roots or canals), outcome criteria, treatment methods, provider experience, duration of follow-up, year of publication, sample selection, geographical location, sample size, different age groupings and analytical methods. According to the WHO, the definition of older adults in the developed countries are those 65 or older, whereas in developing countries, this age is 60 and older.

A previous systematic review on the outcomes of NSRCT in older adults conducted by Ng et al.1 (from 1961–2002) reviewed thirteen longitudinal studies, and performed a meta-analysis by pooling success outcome data into three age groups: up to 25, 25–50 and above 50. It found no significant difference in the odds of success.

The current review identified reporting bias against negative results while conducting electronic data search, and by hand searching incorporated additional papers that included survival data and older subjects up to 87 years old. It also added studies published after 2002. Although this current review still did not address the psychosocial aspects of NSRCT, it shows that NSRCT outcomes for elders are at least as favourable as for other adults. The importance and efficacy of NSRCT as part of overall dental care for the elders should be promoted.