Thirty years on from the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, the Ukrainian government has increased the contribution of nuclear power to the nation's total energy balance. In 1991, it was 8%; by 2014, it had risen to 22% (

In my view, Ukraine should be following Lithuania's lead. Lithuania has ceased to depend on nuclear power, substituting renewable energy sources (mostly biofuels) for its former 26% nuclear-power contribution in 1991. Renewables are likewise thriving in Latvia (39%) and Estonia (27%) (; Georgia (31%;; and Kyrgyzstan (28%;

Ukraine lags way behind because of the funding deficit for new green technologies, with renewables accounting for just 2.6%. This is despite the country's favourable conditions for green energy, including wind, solar and hydropower. This untapped potential could be swiftly realized with appropriate financial and legislative support.