50 Years Ago

In the last of nine papers presented to ... the British Association for the Advancement of Science ... Dr. K. Adam discussed the responsibility of television: this responsibility has since been sharpened by the continuing discussions on the feasibility and the scope for a 'university of the air' ... it is proposed that only the major conurbations, containing 60–70 per cent of the population, should be covered by broadcast television ... coverage in this way does not mean that the public beyond the range of television and sound transmission would be unable to enrol at the University of the Air ... all the programmes provided for television by the University should be recorded and prints of the original transmission can readily be circulated anywhere for viewing ... All the courses would be supported by carefully prepared lecture notes and reading lists, and each week all enrolled students would be required to submit exercises for marking and comment by tutors.

From Nature 20 November 1965

100 Years Ago

The little attention given to science in education and in the public mind has been the theme of many essays and addresses ... science is usually regarded as suitable for study by a select few only, and not as an essential part of all modern life and thought ... We do not for a moment suggest that the end of all education should be preparation for scientific careers; neither do we ask that men of letters, statesmen, and administrative officers of departments of State should all be scientific experts ... Our claim is that everyone — from elementary-school pupil to college don — should be made acquainted with appropriate outlines of scientific work and thought.

From Nature 18 November 1915 Footnote 1