Your assessment of the scientific implications of tensions arising between Russia and the United States over the Ukraine situation seems to reflect a Western political bias. This could weaken the very research collaborations you seek to encourage (see Nature 508, 149–150 and 162; 2014).

The language you use to describe the Russian regime — for example, “Moscow's violation of international law cannot be tolerated” and “Western observers are stunned by Putin's resolute pursuit of power” — would come as no surprise from, say, US or European media with a clear political leaning. It seems inappropriate from an 'international journal of science'.

A genuinely international perspective would not overlook the wider political narrative of countries such as China, India and Brazil, who did not join the immediate condemnation of Russia.

Scientific advances in international research environments generally flourish despite cultural and political differences. They may not be so resilient if suspicion and hostility are aroused.