In considering the impact of the US budget sequester on science (see, for example, Nature 499, 147–148; 2013), I see no mention of salary reductions. A 5% reduction in the salaries of federally supported science staff, including administrative and agency personnel, would significantly reduce the need to cut science programmes.

US scientists are not paupers: NASA scientists, for instance, are paid up to US$160,000 a year, with generous fringe benefits. Plenty of professors at leading US universities make much more. A 5% cut to 12-month and summer salaries would not leave anyone destitute.

Such a reduction would be much more effective than any presentations to Congress in showing that scientists care about their projects and are willing to share the pain of bringing US federal expenditure under control.

I doubt that any scientist would refuse to accept a grant offered on the proviso that the salary rate be reduced by 5%, if the alternative were no grant at all. President Barack Obama took a pay cut to show the way. Let's follow his lead.