Dental and craniofacial applications of platelet-rich plasma

  • R.E. Marx &
  • A.K. Garg
UK: Quintessence price £58.00, pp 168 ISBN 0867154322 | ISBN: 0-867-15432-2

The layout of Dental and craniofacial applications of platelet-rich plasma makes for easy reading; the diagrams and photographs are relevant and of a high standard; and the references are appropriate to the text.

The text is separated into three sections. The first deals with the basic science of PRP including secreted growth factors and clot maturation, and the effects on autologous bone regeneration and soft tissue healing. The effects of PRP on bone substitutes is well reviewed and the clinical effects on osseointegration is discussed in detail and well illustrated with excellent photographs and diagrams. The method of production of PRP is discussed in detail with the principles of platelet separation and concentration, storage and activation particularly prominent. Of particular interest is a section on recommended PRP devices, which proceeds to critically appraise seven different manufacturers' products scientifically. The authors conclude that the SmartPrep (Harvest Technologies) and the PCCS (Implant Innovations) emerge as the most effective and practical devices, but a cost analysis is not given.

The second section of the book deals with bony dental surgery where PRP is potentially indicated, followed by a similar review of soft tissue surgeries. The chapter begins with an excellent review of sinus lift grafting, from the anatomy, patient selection including imaging, to surgical technique using PRP with autologous and allogenic bone grafts. The text progresses to ridge augmentation grafting, and conveniently discusses techniques for horizontal and vertical grafting, and how PRP can be advantageous to the final graft volume. I found of particular interest the concept of soft tissue tenting using coronally positioned implants with cancellous bone graft up to the height of the implant, which with the PRP produced evidence of enhanced final graft volume.

The final section relates how PRP is potentially useful in hard tissue mandibular and maxillary reconstructions, alveolar cleft surgery and reconstruction of the severely atrophic mandible — and the soft tissue implications. As with other chapters, the format of theory, anatomy, followed by surgical technique and clinical evidence well illustrated by cases is adhered to. This section, coupled with the subsequent discussion on the use of PRP in facial cosmetic surgery, shows how varied the American maxillo-facial surgery range of techniques has progressed. The appendix consists of a chapter devoted to phlebotomy in an attempt to encourage the reader to broaden their skills. As with the rest of the book this is also well illustrated.

The authors and publishers of this book are to be congratulated on a very readable and authoritative text on platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and its applications in dentistry and cranio-facial surgery.