Oral pathology

  • J.V. Soames &
  • J.C. Southam
UK: Oxford University Press price £39.95, pp 278 ISBN 0198527942 | ISBN: 0-198-52794-2

A good understanding of pathology is required prior to treating a condition. Once the mechanism and pathological process of a disease is understood, the likely outcome of any treatment provided to the patient may be determined. Oral pathology has always been considered a difficult subject for undergraduate dental students. This text, now in its twentieth year, has widely been cited as 'essential reading' in many UK and international dental curricula.

The contents follow a logical progression through 17 chapters, covering conditions affecting teeth, bone, oral mucosa and salivary glands. Each chapter outlines the essential details behind conditions such as odontogenic cysts and tumours, offering explanations on their proposed aetiology, pathogenesis and histological features. Information on recent advances in molecular biology and genetics as well as rare conditions are confined to additional information boxes so as not to overburden the reader with text.

As in previous editions the text is comprehensive and easy to follow. The layout is largely unchanged but with an increased number of useful key points to summarise conditions into quick glance notes: a recommended bonus for the busy practitioner. The use of good clinical, radiographic and histological colour photographs for the more 'common' conditions allow the reader to 'follow' the patient from presentation to the diagnostic stage.

This text is reasonably priced given its contents and extensive colour plates and tables. Oral pathology should retain its place as 'essential reading' in all dental curricula. Although this book is aimed at undergraduate dental students, I would not hesitate to recommend it as a useful book for general dental practitioners and postgraduate students aiming to further their knowledge in the field of oral pathology.