Preventive materials, methods and programs

  • P. Axelsson
Surrey: Quintessence price £132, pp652 ISBN 0867153644 | ISBN: 0-867-15364-4

The aim of this text is to provide readers with updated information about various preventive materials and methods, needs-related preventive programs and analytical epidemiology for quality control. The text is the fourth of a five volume series of books on clinical prevention and disease management by the author. This book contains nine very detailed chapters focusing on a range of clinical preventive measures and methods. Topics covered include: mechanical plaque control through self care; professional mechanical tooth cleaning; chemical plaque control; and the use of fluorides and fissure sealants. The text also covers community preventive programs and oral health promotion.

Does this expensive and very large book meet its stated aim? The text presents a detailed account of what can be termed clinical prevention. Various clinical images and figures are used to illustrate each chapter. However, the approach adopted in this book is very narrow in focus and fails to acknowledge contemporary public health approaches to prevention. Although details are presented of a range of studies - many of which have been conducted by the author himself — limited reference is made to the findings of up-to-date evidence based systematic reviews. For example in relation to fluoride use, no reference is made to the recently published Cochrane reviews1,2 and with regard to oral health promotion, the range of published effectiveness reviews are also ignored.3,4

Professor Axelsson's approach to clinical prevention has been very influential around the world. This book provides a very detailed account of his preventive model.