Clinical Manual of Implant Dentistry

  • M. Davenport &
  • H. Martinez
Surrey: Quintessence, 2002 price £55, pp271 ISBN 1850970491 | ISBN: 1-850-97049-1

The aim of this textbook is to provide practitioners and students with the scientific and clinical information necessary to understand implant dentistry. In this, the authors have succeeded admirably, although I feel the book will be of most benefit to those who are new to implant dentistry, rather than the more experienced implantologist.

The opening chapter deals with treatment planning. This is followed by three chapters which cover implant diameters, stage one and stage two surgery, peri-implant soft tissue management, impression taking, and screw retained verses cemented prostheses. The next four chapters deal with treatment considerations for edentulous people, partial edentulism, single missing teeth and implant treatment in the posterior regions of the mouth. Chapter nine highlights specific surgical procedures such as immediate implant placement, sinus grafting, guided bone regeneration and bone grafts. The final four chapters are on non submerged implant techniques, implants in young people, surface properties of implants and loading concepts.

At just over two hundred pages, the book can only give an overview of the many aspects of implantology. However, it is well written, clearly laid out and each chapter is followed by an appropriate list of references. The book is profusely illustrated with excellent photographs and diagrams. There are also numerous tables and lists which clearly spell out the indications and contraindications for the various techniques and procedures under discussion. Without a doubt, this book provides a very good introduction to implant dentistry.