
Pain control with paracetamol from a sustained release formulation and a standard release formulation after third molar surgery: a randomised controlled trial. by P Coulthard, C M Hill, J W Frame, H Barry, B D Ridge, and T H Bacon Br Dent J 2001; 191: 319–324


The control of post-operative pain after dental surgical procedures remains the main reason for prescribing analgesics in dental practice. The present study evaluates single doses of two paracetamol preparations in a large cohort of patients with pain after third molar surgery. Their results showed that essentially there was no difference between the two preparations as assessed by a variety of primary and secondary outcome measures.

Does this finding come as a surprise and will it change the prescribing habits of general dental practitioners?

The study was well conducted but was based upon the hypothesis that differences in the pharmacokinetics of the two paracetamol preparations would have some impact on the drug's efficacy, especially the duration of action. It would also suggest that paracetamol pharmacokinetics are important determinants of the drug's efficacy, a point which has been difficult to establish.1 Relating pharmacokinetics to efficacy, irrespective of the drug, is a challenge for both pharmacologists and clinicians. Yet, this very hypothesis forms the basis of many drug developments as the pharmaceutical industry modifies existing preparations to improve efficacy, onset and duration of action. It is often the case, as exemplified by the present study, that such developments fail to impact upon the clinical arena.

What impact will the findings from this study have on general dental practice? Probably very little. There is a wealth of information supporting the efficacy of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in post-operative dental pain. Analgesics such as ibuprofen and aspirin will remain the drugs of choice to treat this painful condition. Paracetamol would be an alternative in those patients where an NSAID cannot be prescribed (eg asthmatics or active peptic ulceration).

In summary, this is a well conducted clinical trial, which logistically would have taken a huge effort to organise. It is disappointing that the results are weak with respect to comparative efficacy of the two compounds. There is unlikely to be a wholesale switch to paracetamol as the analgesic of choice for post-operative dental pain.