
Mercury vapour release from a dental aspirator by C. A. Stonehouse and A. P. Newman Br Dent J 2001; 190: 558–560


The risk of mercury exposure from dental amalgam is very much greater for dentists than patients because of their continuous exposure over their working day. The main risks of mercury exposure from amalgam usage occur from mercury spillage, amalgam particle contamination of the surgery, exposure during amalgam placement, removal or cutting, release from mechanical triturators and release from dental aspirators. The risks from a number of these sources are reduced by the use of encapsulated amalgam. However, this still leaves the dental aspirator as a major risk of contamination. This is because it can become progressively contaminated with amalgam during use and because it heats up during running since this is known to markedly increase mercury release. A number of studies of dentists and surgeries in the past have shown that many surgeries become contaminated and this can result in mercury absorption by dentists and their staff. This can be shown by mercury measurements of blood, urine and hair. Most of these risks can be markedly reduced by good mercury hygiene practice as set out in the BDA guidelines. Furthermore serial studies in the USA at annual ADA meetings have shown that the urine mercury levels in dentists reduced from an average of 14.2 μg/L in 1975 to 6.7 μg/L in 1985 to 4.94 μg/L in 1995. These levels should be seen in the context that reduced neuro-behavioural performance can occur in some individuals with urine mercury levels above 20 μg/L and also that on the basis of industrial studies that levels in the urine below 15 μg/L are considered safe.

This study highlights a number of important issues with regard to aspirators. The first is the danger of buying second hand equipment which may already be badly contaminated. The second is the issue of waste air exhaust. This model, like most dental aspirators, vented into the surgery air resulting in major air contamination. The latest version of this aspirator and other similar equipment have the option to vent into the outside air and this is obviously preferable. Thirdly it highlights the need to regularly clean the internal and external pipe work and change the air filters of such equipment. It is also important to protect the airways of individuals performing this task by wearing a mercury vapour absorbent mask and by waiting until the equipment has fully cooled before undertaking this work. Furthermore, such work should not be carried out by pregnant females as mercury vapour can cross the placenta. Finally, all waste amalgam should be regularly removed from the collection canister and appropriately stored. Good care should be taken to avoid contamination of the surgery waste pipes with waste amalgam since this will contaminate sewage and hence the environment. Amalgam contamination of the waste water is best avoided by careful hygiene and the fitting of an amalgam separator. These devices have been shown to greatly reduce mercury emissions by this route.

If the decision is made to vent the aspirator air exhaust to the outside it should also be noted that this can contaminate the environment but to a much lesser degree since there is a massive reduction in its concentration by the large volume of outside air. It should also be noted that this study highlights the need for good surgery ventilation to prevent any build up of mercury vapour.