
In your Editorial 'Genetics benefits at risk' (Nature 451, 745–746; doi:10.1038/451745b 2008), you indicate that the entire scientific and medical community adamantly supports the US Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act, because it would protect people from discrimination by health insurers or employers on the basis of genetic information. I, for one, do not support this bill.

Better information allows better matching of people and jobs, and of people and insurance policies. The purpose of firms is to produce goods and services efficiently, and information helps to improve efficiency. The purpose of insurance is to manage risk, and information availability lowers risk.

You fear that the use of genetic information by employers and insurers will lead to social inequality — or, in other words, you trust that ignorance will preserve equity and fairness. There are better ways to deal with social inequality than to force ignorance upon workers, employers and insurers. And a better informed, more efficient, wealthier society creates better conditions for everyone to live decent and productive lives, whatever our genetic make-up.