On the Record

“People may have thought: 'We have tapes of the Moon walk, we don't need these.'”

Australian scientist John Sarkissian hunts for the original high-quality magnetic tapes, apparently misplaced, of the first Apollo 11 Moon walk.

“The gene won't automatically make you a criminal.”

New Zealand researcher Rod Lea triggers controversy by reporting a high incidence among Maori people of a gene linked to aggression.

While you're there


Those attending the International Astronomical Union's general assembly in Prague, Czech Republic, from 14 to 25 August should be sure to check out the astronomical clock, or Orloj, in the town square. The clock has been operating since 1410, on and off, and so the meeting's attendees may notice it is slightly out of date. Research done since its construction suggests that Earth orbits the Sun, not the other way around.


Turning the corner?

After years of being thwarted by immigration difficulties, international students may finally be returning to US graduate schools in greater numbers. A study in admissions found increases since 2005:

Life sciences +1%

Physical sciences +5%

Engineering +26%

Sources: Sydney Morning Herald, Australian Associated Press, Council of Graduate Schools