
As members of the board of directors of the Venezuelan Institute for Scientific Research (IVIC), we feel obliged to clarify the following points concerning the Correspondence letter “Venezuelan researchers call for international help” (Nature 421, 473; 2003) by members of the Association of Investigators of IVIC (AsoInIVIC).

First, AsoInIVIC is a private scientific association of about 130 IVIC employees. The total number of IVIC researchers is 124, including 19 postdoctoral fellows. There are also 226 professional research associates, 201 postgraduate students, 242 general staff and 310 administrative support staff. Thus, AsoInIVIC members constitute only a small fraction of the approximately 1,100 people working and studying at IVIC. The sentiments expressed in their Correspondence do not represent the official opinion of IVIC, a public institution; rather, they are the exclusive opinion of AsoInIVIC, which is a private association.

Second, freedom of speech in IVIC is manifest, among other activities, by the intense exchange of internal e-mails, covering a vast range of subjects from personal to institutional. The laws and regulations concerning the expression of political ideas in Venezuela's public institutions allow the free expression of political opinions, but restrict political campaigns (proselytism). The distribution of the AsoInIVIC letter within IVIC is a regrettable example of unrestrained political proselytism. Equally regrettable is the lack of scientific spirit manifest in its many inaccuracies concerning both IVIC and some other public institutions, for example the Supreme Court of Justice and the ministries of Science and Technology, Environment, and Energy and Mines.

Third, December and January were months of high political activity in Venezuela. During this period a partial strike, difficult to distinguish from a partial lock-out, took place. As can be expected, this made it difficult to accomplish the scientific research that is usually carried out at IVIC. However, during this time most employees regularly attended and carried out their work.

Finally, it is widely known that the maintenance and development of scientific laboratories of a high international standard represents a considerable cost to our nation. This cost is particularly heavy in the current period of economic difficulty. Under such circumstances, we consider even more deplorable the misuse of our facilities and work time for political propaganda activities.

The board of directors of IVIC comprises seven members, five of whom are signatories of this letter. The other two members (the director and deputy director of IVIC) do not agree with the content, and consequently have not signed.