
David Edgerton is wrong, and C.P. Snow was right (Nature 389M, 221; 1997). Every scientist knows people thoroughly versed in literature, music and the arts who are proud not to understand mathematics, physics and chemistry, do not comprehend the scientific process, have no idea of what is going on in the scientific world and are unable to follow the instructions for use of a video recorder. That science and technology play such an important role in our life is no proof that this abyss does not exist, but shows only that science and technology make our lives easier, and that the economy can grow only by creating new products based on science and technology.

To deny that there are strong antiscientific currents in our society is to shut our eyes to the broad resistance against, for example, necessary animal experiments, or gene technology for agriculture. In a scientifically minded society, it would be impossible for astrology and other esoteric practices to flourish.

The ‘two cultures’ are not a British phenomenon but can be found equally in other European countries, particularly Germany and Austria.