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Major southward thrusting of the Dalradian rocks of Connemara, western Ireland


The Connemara schists are of Dalradian (late Precambrian–Cambrian) age and since the work of Kilburn et al.1 it has been apparentthat they occupy an anomalous geographical position south-southeast of the strike continuation of the Dalradian rocks of Scotland and Ireland, and south of the inferred position of the Highland Boundary Fault (Fig. 1). Also, the Connemara schists are unusual in having reached a higher metamorphic grade and having had a different metamorphic history from most other parts of the Dalradian. The model which we propose here for the Connemara Dalradian, that of an allochthonous thrust sheet, offers an explanation for these anomalies and highlights hitherto unsuspected similarities between the tectonic histories of the south-east margins of the metamorphic Caledonides in the British Isles and Scandinavia.

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Leake, B., Geoff Tanner, P., Singh, D. et al. Major southward thrusting of the Dalradian rocks of Connemara, western Ireland. Nature 305, 210–213 (1983).

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