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Acute Toxicity of Extracts of Morning-glory Seeds in Mice


THE presence of alkaloids derived from lysergic acid in the seeds of the morning-glory varieties Ipomoea violacea (L.) and Rivea corymbosa (L.) Hall f. was discovered by Hofmann1 and confirmed by several workers2–5. Reports of alteration of mental state after ingestion of morning-glory seeds have been made to this Directorate and have also appeared in the public press. Osmond6 reported an abnormal mental state after ingestion of the seeds of Rivea corymbosa, but Kinross-Wright7 was not able to induce any such changes in eight subjects. Cohen8 reported that some individuals appear to have no reaction whatsoever while others may respond as to d-lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD). In this same communication, a case of suicide following a recrudescent psychic reaction to ingestion of morning-glory seeds was also reported.

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RICE, W., GENEST, K. Acute Toxicity of Extracts of Morning-glory Seeds in Mice. Nature 207, 302–303 (1965).

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