
Conversely (and more generally), the thinning law (with exponent − y, say) can be viewed as the consequence of energy equivalence and allometric scaling of individual resource use (with exponent y). This resource-based interpretation of the thinning law has been proposed previously for both plant4 and animal5 populations, but the theoretical derivation2 of y =3/4 is an important new insight. Energy equivalence itself cannot be explained in any mechanistic sense by allometric scaling of individual resource use, despite apparent claims to the contrary1, and remains to be accounted for as an empirical observation3.

I suggest that, for plant populations, energy equivalence reflects the facts that: (1) once plant canopies have reached closure, most of the incident radiation per unit area is intercepted6,7; and (2) for well-watered plants, growth rate per unit of intercepted radiation (that is,the light utilization efficiency, or LUE) is approximately independent of plant mass8,10. There is now a mechanistic explanation for the latter observation in terms of leaf photosynthetic acclimation to light11. It follows that, for closed canopies not subject to water limitation, population energy use for growth is roughly independent of plant mass, but may vary with incident radiation and LUE. An analogous argument, involving mass-independent population resource capture and utilization efficiency, might also explain energy equivalence in animal populations.

However, a word of caution is needed here. An important counter-example to energy equivalence is given by the welldocumented observation that the growth rate per unit area of evenly aged forests eventually declines as individual trees become larger12,13. Above-ground net primary productivity typically reaches a maximum in young forest stands and then decreases by up to 76%, with an average reduction of 34% according to 13 studies of forest age sequences14. The rate of decline has important implications for sustainable forest management and the role of forests in the global carbon budget. This apparently universal phenomenon has been attributed, at least in part, to height-dependent hydraulic limitations on leaf stomatalconductance14,15, implying that leaf photosynthetic rate and LUE may not always be independent of plant mass, particularly under water-limited conditions.

In summary, it is probably more appropriate to consider energy equivalence — like the thinning law — as an approximate rule of thumb, rather than as a fundamental law applicable to all plant types under all growth conditions.

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