In an article in the August issue [Yokoi F, Gründer G, Biziere K, Stephane M, Dogan AS, Dannals RF, Ravert H, Suri A, Bramer S, Wong DF (2002): Dopamine D2 and D3 Receptor Occupancy in Normal Humans Treated with the Antipsychotic Drug Aripiprazole (OPC 14597): A Study Using Positron Emission Tomography and [11C]Raclopride. Neuropsychopharmacology 27(2): 248–259], an incomplete version of Figure 2 on page 251 was mistakenly printed. The figure and legend should have appeared as follows:

Figure 2
figure 1

The mean ± SD plasma aripiprazole concentration-time profile for day 14 following 10 mg once daily administration.