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Self measurement of blood pressure: a community survey

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This study was approved by Solihull LREC, 22 March 2005, Ref. 05/Q2706/13 R&D for Birmingham and Solihull PCT Consortium, Research Management and Governance Approval, 29 June 2005, Project No. 754. This work was funded by PBS Small Grant (C9783/A5037: self-test kits for cancer, prevalence of use, characteristics of users and implications of self-testing for health care services – a feasibility study). RM was funded by a National Primary Care Post Doc Award, AR by a NHS R&D Researcher Development Award and SW by a National Primary Care Clinical Scientist Award.

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McManus, R., Ryan, A., Greenfield, S. et al. Self measurement of blood pressure: a community survey. J Hum Hypertens 21, 741–743 (2007).

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