European Society of Human Genetics
25th Annual Meeting, Barcelona, May 6–9, 1993
Thursday, May 6, 1993 - Afternoon
Technical workshops
Opening Ceremony:
The 25th Anniversary of the ESHG
Award of the Mauro Baschirotto Prize to Professor
P. Maroteaux
Friday, May 7, 1993 - Morning
Genetics of Eye and Ear Diseases
Retinitis pigmentosa, P. Humphries (Ireland);
Retinoblastoma, C. Buys (The Netherlands);
Choroideremia, F. Cremers (The Netherlands);
Waardenburg Syndrome, A. Read (UK).
Friday, May 7,1993 - Afternoon
Posters and oral presentations
Saturday, May 8, 1993 - Morning
Polygenic Diseases and Malignancy
Molecular Genetics of Multifactorial Disease,
M. Lathrop (France); Coronary Heart Diseases,
A.J. Ward (Ireland); Gene Environment Interaction in Carcinogenesis, C. Bonaiti-Pellie (France);
B-Cell Lymphoma, C. Mecucci (Italy);
Teaching in Human Genetics, R. Harris (UK).
Saturday, May 8, 1993 - Afternoon
Posters and oral presentations
General Assembly
Sunday, May 9, 1993 - Morning
Developmental Genetics and Neurogenetics
WT1 PAX6 Genes and Development,
V. Van Heyningen (UK); Facio-Scapulo-Humeral
Dystrophy, R. Frants (The Netherlands);
Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease,
C. Van Broeckhoven (Belgium); Dominant and Recessive Ataxias, S. Chamberlain (UK).
Closing Ceremony
For further information contact:
Dra. Francisca Ballesta
Hospital ClÃnico y Provincial, Unidad de Genética
C/Villarroel, 170, E-Barcelona 08036 (Spain)
Phone: 34-3-454.60.00;
Fax: 34-3-454.66.91
3rd International Symposium and Parents’ Conference on Mucopolysaccharidoses and Related Disorders
May 28–31, 1993, Essen FRG
In keeping with previous meetings held in Minneapolis and Manchester, mucopolysaccharidose support groups from all over the world will meet at the same venue. The main themes will be specific management problems, the latest developments in the molecular biology of mucopolysaccharidoses and perspectives of gene replacement and gene therapy. The closing date for registration for professionals attending the Symposium will be March 1, 1993.
For further information, please contact:
Gesellschaft für Mukopolysaccharidosen e.V. Stadtgartenring 97
D-W-4630 Bochum 6 (FRG)
Tel.: Int.+ 49(0)2327/81424
Fax: Int.+ 49(0)2327/18795
European Alliance of Genetic Support Groups
Representatives of genetic support groups from eight countries in Europe gathered in Helsingor, Denmark, in parallel with the 24th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Genetics.
The first day of the meeting was devoted to domestic affairs such as constitution, policy, activity program and membership. The main goal was formulated as follows: ‘to cater for the common interests in the field of hereditary and congenital disorders’.
Some provisional objectives:
To increase public awareness concerning the burden of hereditary and congenital disorders.
To exchange information within support groups and to make available information to the public, in order to increase the general understanding of the new genetic technologies and their applications.
To encourage research into the causes, early detection, diagnosis and treatment of hereditary and congenital disorders.
To ensure the availability of comprehensive genetic counselling and to ensure the right to an autonomous and informed choice.
The continual improvement of the quality of life and of care of those affected by hereditary or congenital disorders.
To encourage the formation of national umbrella organizations of genetic support groups in countries where they do not exist.
A steering committee was formed.
The feasibility of an inventory was discussed on ethical and social issues. Various problems in those fields were tabled during the meeting.
A list entitled ‘Who is doing what in Europe’ will be produced in the field of genetic support groups as a first step towards the setting up of a clearinghouse.
European Alliance of Genetic Support Groups Vredehofstraat 31
NL-3761 HA Soestdijk (The Netherlands) Tel.: 02155-28155; Fax: 02155-27440
Educational Materials on Genetics for Secondary Schools
Workshop Report
The Dutch Alliance of 36 national diagnosis-bound genetic support groups (VSOP) is currently starting an EEC-funded project entitled ‘Standard for the Production of Educational Materials on Genetics for Secondary Schools’.
Objectives of the project are:
To generate an inventory of products, questions, problems and recommendations on genetics and educational materials for secondary and grammar schools in Western Europe.
The production of a standard from which each country can compose its own national teaching material in its own language and according to its own cultural, religious and social demands.
The impact of genetics on society is far reaching. This is why there should be an informed society. To inform young people as part of an educational program in schools might be an adequate first step.
On May 15–17, 1992, ten experts from four countries focussed on public health policies, curriculums on genetics, contents of the planned materials, methodological aspects, implementation, in service training of teachers and possibilities for evaluation of the planned materials. During the workshop, a consortium was formed which aims at guiding VSOP during the production process. The universities of Utrecht (Dr. A.J. Waarloo, Department of Biology) and Groningen (Prof. C.H.C.M. Buys, Department of Human Genetics) are supporting the project.
The standard will be available in March 1993.
Existing educational materials on genetics in whatever language will be gratefully welcomed by VSOP. Any person in charge of the production or implementation of lessons on genetics in his or her country is invited to contact the project secretariat:
Mrs. Cisca Postma. VSOP
Vredehofstraat 31
NL-3761 HA Soestdijk (The Netherlands)
Tel.: 02155-28155; Fax: 02155-27440
6th Course of the European School of Medical Genetics
Sestri Levante (Genoa), Italy,
March 28 to April 3, 1993
Directors: Prof. V.A. McKusick (Baltimore) Prof. G. Romeo (Genoa)
Faculty: S. Antonorakis, S. Aymé, A. Ballabio, R. Balling, G. Barbujani, C. Bordignon, J. Burn, J.-J. Cassiman, A. Chakravarti, P. Demant, M. Devoto, J. Frèzal, M. Goossens, L. Heredero, W. Lo, G.J. van Ommen, J. Ott, M. Pembrey, L. Sandkujil, P. Scambler, A. Schinzel, P. Slonimski, J. Weissenbach, J. Zonana.
Topics: Introduction to Medical and Molecular Genetics; Mendelian and Non-Mendelian Genetics; Human and Clinical Cytogenetics; Linkage Analysis; Population Genetics; Counselling and Prenatal Diagnosis; Screenings; Human Genome Analysis; Congenital Malformations; Model Systems.
Fees: Registration 350′000 Lire - Lodging and meals approximately 650′000 Lire.
Places for late applications are still available
Send your CV, a brief description of your research interests, a letter of presentation and a certificate of your knowledge of English to:
M. Caterina Cogorno
Laboratory of Molecular Genetics
Istituto G. Gaslini
I-16148 Genoa (Italy)
Tel. 39 10 5636370-400; Fax 39 10 391254
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ESHG Announcements. Eur J Hum Genet 1, 179–180 (1993).
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