Journal Information

Why publish in NPG Asia Materials?

  • Publishing research on all aspects of the materials sciences.
  • Covering physical and chemical sciences, biotechnology and nanotechnology.
  • Emphasising the novelty of the research, either in novel materials or synthetic methods.

Aims and scope of journal

NPG Asia Materials is an open access, international journal publishing peer-reviewed review and primary research articles that cover all aspects of the materials sciences. The journal is global in outlook and reach and its base in the Asia-Pacific reflects the substantial — and increasing — output of materials research from the region.

NPG Asia Materials is aimed at an audience of scientists and researchers across the full spectrum of materials research, and publishes articles from the physical and chemical sciences, biotechnology and nanotechnology. The journal welcomes high-quality review and research articles from the most rapidly advancing fields that lie at the borders between materials science and engineering and the classical disciplines of physics, chemistry and biology.

The journal features both theoretical and experimental aspects of research in the following areas related to materials science:

  • Biomaterials and biosensors
  • Electronic, magnetic and superconducting materials
  • Energy conversion, catalysis and separation
  • Inorganic, composite and hybrid materials
  • Metals and alloys
  • Nanomaterials
  • Optics, photonics and optoelectronics
  • Organic, carbon-based and soft materials
  • Theory, modelling and simulations

Emphasis is placed on the novelty of the research, either in the sense of novel materials or synthetic methods, or in the sense of novel properties that lead to advanced functionality and applications of previously known materials. Both experimental and theoretical studies will be considered for publication. Studies on synthetic methods should demonstrate the generality of the approach or the advance represented in applying the material to practical devices. Equally, research on advances in methodology, processes or applied device engineering should demonstrate more than an incremental improvement on existing system and so be of the highest possible interest to our broad readership.

Journal Metrics

Article metrics such as number of downloads, citations and online attention are available from each article page, and provide an overview of the attention received by a paper.

Citation Impact 2023

  • Journal Impact Factor: 8.6
  • 5-year Journal Impact Factor: 9.6
  • Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 1.610
  • SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 2.136

Speed 2023

  • Submission to first editorial decision (median days): 13
  • Submission to acceptance (median days): 137

Usage 2023

  • Downloads: 935,150
  • Altmetric mentions: 483

More about our metrics

Abstracted/indexed in

Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition Web of Knowledge
Google Scholar
Chemical Abstract Services
Ulrichsweb (ProQuest)


The ISSN (online) number for NPG Asia Materials is : 1884-4057.

Citing articles in NPG Asia Materials

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To cite articles in AM, you can give the paper's DOI at the end of the citation. For example, NPG Asia Materials papers should be cited in the form as specified by a journal or for example: Author(s) (Year) Article Title NPG Asia Materials, page(s); (DOI 10.1038/am.YEAR.XXX).

For your background information, the DOI has two components, a prefix (before the slash) and a suffix (after the slash). The prefix is a DOI resolver server identifier (10) and a unique identifier assigned to the publisher; for example, the identifier for Nature Research is 1038 and the entire DOI prefix for an article published by Nature Research is 10.1038. The suffix is an arbitrary number provided by the publisher; it can be composed of numbers and/or letters and does not necessarily have any systematic significance. Each DOI is registered in a central resolution database that associates it with one or more corresponding web locations (URLs).

NPG Asia Materials was founded in association with the Tokyo Institute of Technology.