World made of medicine tablets

Molecular mechanisms governing antifungal drug resistance

  • Yunjin Lee
  • Nicole Robbins
  • Leah E. Cowen
Review Article


  • npj Antimicrobials and Resistance is an online Open Access journal dedicated to publishing basic, applied, and clinical research that advances our understanding of all aspects of antimicrobials and antimicrobial resistance.

  • Get to know the founding Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Jessica Blair, as she answers 5 questions about her research experience and becoming involved with the journal.

  • To illustrate the broad scope of npj Antimicrobials and Resistance, we have compiled this Collection of Reviews, Comments, and Perspectives and research Articles from across the Nature Portfolio.


Microscopic image of growing molds or mold fungus and spores

Antifungals and Resistance

This collection aims to publish cutting-edge research on methods to mitigate fungal infections and to combat the emergence of resistance.
Open for submissions
