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  • Advances in the applications of artificial intelligence and other technologies in health and medicine require rethinking of what patient safety means.

  • Governments and funders must prioritize research on emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases such as monkeypox to prevent another pandemic.

  • With the increase in genomic data available and the advent of new technology for mining it, balancing the needs for data sharing and data protection becomes more challenging. Different disciplines must come together to find new solutions.

  • New treatments and technologies offer exciting prospects for cancer research and care, but their global impact rests on widespread implementation and accessibility.

  • The use of transgenic pigs as a source of organs and tissues for patients in need could revolutionize medicine — but to achieve that goal, data from clinical trials and forthright assessment of the ethics of animal-to-human transplants will be critical.

  • The Glasgow Climate Pact reaffirms countries’ commitments to limiting global heating to 1.5 °C, but without prioritizing health, equity and multisectoral engagement within climate action, the health of the planet and the future of humanity remain at grave risk.

  • Lessons from the rapid development, manufacture and distribution of vaccines against COVID-19 must be broadly applied to expedite vaccine development for other infectious diseases.

  • Scientific and medical research conducted in space can bring benefits for all humankind, but this will require commercial space flight companies to embrace open data principles.

  • Are healthcare systems prepared to deal with cost and accessibility of gene therapies on a global scale?

  • Telehealth has emerged as an unexpected silver lining of the COVID-19 pandemic, improving access to care and facilitating a transition toward digital medicine. Cementing these gains now could help make healthcare more equitable once the pandemic has ended.

  • The surge in COVID-19 cases in India and Brazil highlights the need to improve vaccine manufacturing capacity and investment in public health at the local level.

  • Enhancing population diversity in genetic databases and evaluating genetic scores in conjunction with other disease factors will be needed to ensure a more equitable impact of precision medicine.

  • Gene-therapy trials are on the rise, but more needs to be done to understand the long-term risks associated with this type of treatment.

  • The COVID-19 pandemic has opened a window of opportunity for rethinking the way countries prepare for public-health crises. This window must not be wasted.

  • Diverging from tested vaccination regimens without scientific evidence could undermine public confidence in vaccines against COVID-19 and the success of a global vaccination strategy to curtail the pandemic.
