Correction to: Leukemia (2013) 27, 2376–2379; doi:10.1038/leu.2013.127

Since the publication of this article, the authors have identified several errors within their paper. These are listed as follows:

Table 1:

Table 1 Somatic point mutations in all time-point samples

Column ‘AAChange’:

  • First row (without counting Header) should be NM_003902:c.C1558T:p.Q541X

  • Second row should be NM_001127710:c.A2299G:p.T901A

  • Third row should be NM_001080412:c.C1924T:p.P643S

Supplementary Table S1:

In the ‘ID sample’ column, ‘Sample Year’ 2006 is correct but ID sample should be 016-T06.

Supplementary Table S3:

  • Row 10 (without counting Header) column ‘locus’ should be t(1;10)(q32;q24).

  • Row 24 (without counting Header) column ‘locus’ should be t(6;10)(q15;24).

  • Row 50 (without counting Header) column ‘brk 2’ should be 19284700 and column ‘size’ should be 19166140.

The corrected Table 1 is displayed here, and the corrected Supplementary Tables accompany the online version of this corrigendum.

The authors would like to apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused.