Correction to: Leukemia (2012) 26, 2197–2203; doi:10.1038/leu.2012.134; published online 15 June 2012

Since the publication of this article, the authors have noticed several errors that appeared in their article. They are as follows:

On page 2, under the heading: ‘Efficacy‘, there are two instances where ‘’ has been incorrectly written instead of ‘<’. The correct sentence is as follows:

Consistent with the results at 1 and 2 years of follow-up, the MMR rate by 3 years (Figure 1) was significantly higher for nilotinib 300 mg twice daily (73%, P<0.0001) and nilotinib 400 mg twice daily (70%, P<0.0001) compared with imatinib (53%).

On Page 3, within the following paragraph, there are three instances where ‘’ has been incorrectly written instead of ‘<’. The correct sentence is as follows:

Similarly, the rate of MR4 by 3 years was significantly higher for nilotinib 300 mg twice daily compared with imatinib (50% vs 26%, P<0.0001) and nilotinib 400 mg twice daily compared with imatinib (44% vs 26%, P<0.0001; Figure 2a). Also, the achievement of MR4.5 by 3 years was significantly higher for nilotinib 300 mg twice daily compared with imatinib (32% vs 15%, P<0.0001) and for nilotinib 400 mg twice daily compared with imatinib (28% vs 15%, P=0.0003; Figure 2b).

The errors have now been rectified, and the correct article appears in this issue. The html and online pdf versions have also been rectified, and now carry the correct paper.

The authors would like to apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused.