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Four steps to global management of space traffic

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Nature 567, 25-27 (2019)


Updates & Corrections

  • Clarification 27 March 2019: The graphic ‘Traffic jam’ has been updated to clarify that not all 12,000 SpaceX satellites will orbit at 1,325 km; in fact, around 7,500 of them will fly at very low Earth orbit (340 km).


  1. Federal Aviation Administration. Air Traffic by the Numbers (FAA, 2018).

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  5. Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee. IADC Space Debris Mitigation Guidelines IADC-02-01, Revision 1, September 2007 (IADC, 2007).

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Competing Interests

J.M. is an employee of The Aerospace Corporation, a US non-profit organization. Its work on US space programmes includes technical support to various space traffic management and space situational awareness activities.


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