Dramatic change can suddenly happen when there is a confluence of factors reaching a 'tipping point' — the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 is an example. As climate change and societal change both move towards tipping points, the crisis prompted by the election of US President Donald Trump could open the door to a transformational shift.

Climate change and other biophysical factors, including the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services, are leading to a tipping point that poses an existential risk for society (J. Rockström et al. Nature 461, 472–475; 2009). As society learns to deal with these risks, a positive tipping point is also approaching.

Sustainable solutions are already being implemented at various scales around the world (see go.nature.com/2tndj8q). Their full realization calls for a marked shift in shared societal goals and governance (see go.nature.com/2kwjxsy). The current US administration poses a threat to the climate, the environment, equity and sustainability. Should the administration fail, this could provide the necessary push for change. That possibility must be widely communicated so that we are ready if the opportunity arises.