Stochastic networks articles within Nature Communications


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    | Open Access

    The invention of the Fourier integral in the 19th century laid the foundation for modern spectral analysis methods. Here the authors develop frequency-based methods for analyzing the reaction mechanisms within living cells from distinctively noisy single-cell output trajectories and present forward engineering of synthetic oscillators and controllers.

    • Ankit Gupta
    •  & Mustafa Khammash
  • Article
    | Open Access

    Mechanistic models of how single cells respond to different perturbations can help integrate disparate big data sets or predict response to varied drug combinations. Here the authors develop a scalable, open-source pipeline for constructing and simulating large-scale, single-cell mechanistic models, an important building block for clinically-predictive mechanistic models and interpretable big data integration.

    • Cemal Erdem
    • , Arnab Mutsuddy
    •  & Marc R. Birtwistle
  • Article
    | Open Access

    Stochastic reaction-diffusion systems are used for modelling spatial dynamics in many disciplines, but parameter inference and model selection remain challenging. Here the authors offer a solution enabled by a connection between reaction-diffusion and the well-studied spatio-temporal Cox processes.

    • David Schnoerr
    • , Ramon Grima
    •  & Guido Sanguinetti
  • Article |

    Direct negative feedback decreases fluctuations in homoeostatic control, but intracellular regulatory systems are indirect. Here, an analytical expression is derived to show that indirect feedback in transcription and translation leads to more fluctuations for intermediate delays but not for long delays.

    • Andreas Grönlund
    • , Per Lötstedt
    •  & Johan Elf