Multistability articles within Nature Communications


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    A promising strategy to increase product synthesis from bacteria uses inducible systems to switch metabolism to production. Here, the authors use models to show how engineering positive feedback loops into the genetic circuitry creates a switch that requires only temporary induction with a cheap nutrient to switch metabolism irreversibly, and so drastically reduce inducer use and cost.

    • Ahmad A. Mannan
    •  & Declan G. Bates
  • Article
    | Open Access

    Tropical rainforests partly create their own climatic conditions by promoting precipitation, therefore rainforest losses may trigger dramatic shifts. Here the authors combine remote sensing, hydrological modelling, and atmospheric moisture tracking simulations to assess forest-rainfall feedbacks in three major tropical rainforest regions on Earth and simulate potential changes under a severe climate change scenario.

    • Arie Staal
    • , Ingo Fetzer
    •  & Obbe A. Tuinenburg
  • Article
    | Open Access

    Synthetic circuits based on CRISPRi have not achieved multistable and dynamic behaviors. Here the authors build an oscillator, a toggle switch and an incoherent feed-forward loop using CRISPRi, and provide a mathematical model suggesting that unspecific binding in CRISPRi enables multistability.

    • Javier Santos-Moreno
    • , Eve Tasiudi
    •  & Yolanda Schaerli
  • Article
    | Open Access

    Dysregulation of insulin secretion dynamics plays a role in diabetes development. Here, the authors build a mathematical model of hepatic insulin signaling and propose a sequential model of post-meal control of glucose and lipids, according to which delayed aPKC suppression would contribute to selective hepatic insulin resistance.

    • Gang Zhao
    • , Dagmar Wirth
    •  & Michael Meyer-Hermann
  • Article
    | Open Access

    Nonlinearity in synthetic molecular circuits is usually achieved by manipulation of network topology or of production kinetics. Here, the authors achieve bistability and other nonlinear behaviours by manipulating the individual degradation rate laws of circuit components using saturable pathways.

    • Kevin Montagne
    • , Guillaume Gines
    •  & Yannick Rondelez