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Topic Rooms
Topic Rooms are hubs for in-depth exploration of a range of topics, from life sciences to scientific communication and career planning. Topic Rooms include introductory summaries of key concepts, evidence-based readings on advanced topics, and more.
Nature Education eBooks are available in a range of topics and learning levels. They are relevant to science students, scientists in training, and science enthusiasts of all ages.
Spotlights are focused explorations of key topics in science: current issues in the news, emerging lab techniques, thought leader perspectives, governmental policy, and a range of other subjects. Spotlights provide an entry point into the rich and dynamic world of science.
Blogs & Forums
The Scitable discussion sphere comprises a range of perspectives dedicated to presenting the world of science in a clear and readable way, and stimulating broad discussion on critical issues for the future of science. Writers include experienced researchers, science policy-makers, journalists, and undergraduate students.
Browse our video and audio archive of interviews and animations. Go.
See our master list of definitions and topics. Go.
Knowledge Project
The Knowledge Project was a collaboration with the academic science community to build content for college and high school students. This content was developed and reviewed through a wiki system, independent of Nature Education editors. The Knowledge Project is no longer active, but the collection of resulting articles remains archived here on Scitable.
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