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Our Book Corner, March 1942

THE BOOK DEPARTMENT of Scientific American is conducted, with the co-operation of the Editors, to make available for you a comprehensive book service. Each month the Editors seled and review in these columns new books in a wide range of scientific and technical fields. In addition, they are ready at all times to advise you regarding the best available books on any sub j ed. You are invited to use this service freely. Tell our Book Department what kind of books you want and you will be furnished with a list of available titles, including prius. When inquiring about books, please be spedfic: remember that we can be of the greatest help only when you tell us j ust what you are looking for.

Scientific American Magazine Vol 166 Issue 3This article was originally published with the title “Our Book Corner” in Scientific American Magazine Vol. 166 No. 3 (), p. 154