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Genome-wide association studies for complex traits: consensus, uncertainty and challenges

Key Points

  • Genome-wide association studies are systematic, well-powered surveys to explore the relationships between sites of common genome sequence variation and disease predisposition on a genome-wide scale.

  • The capacity to undertake genome-wide association studies has resulted in spectacular advances in the understanding of the genetic basis of common phenotypes of biomedical importance, such as diabetes, asthma and some cancers.

  • Application of this approach to large, well-characterized data sets has revealed over 50 disease-susceptibility loci and has provided valuable insights into the allelic architecture of multifactorial traits.

  • The implementation of such studies requires meticulous attention to all stages of the experimental process, from the ascertainment of the samples through to analysis and interpretation of the findings. There is considerable potential for a wide variety of errors and biases to result in spurious associations if precautions are not taken.

  • Extensive replication of positive findings remains the best guarantee against erroneous claims of association. The demand for large-scale replication is leading to extensive international collaborations between groups.

  • Nonetheless, substantial challenges remain as researchers seek more complete descriptions of the susceptibility architecture of traits of interest, and to translate the information gathered into improvements in clinical management.


The past year has witnessed substantial advances in understanding the genetic basis of many common phenotypes of biomedical importance. These advances have been the result of systematic, well-powered, genome-wide surveys exploring the relationships between common sequence variation and disease predisposition. This approach has revealed over 50 disease-susceptibility loci and has provided insights into the allelic architecture of multifactorial traits. At the same time, much has been learned about the successful prosecution of association studies on such a scale. This Review highlights the knowledge gained, defines areas of emerging consensus, and describes the challenges that remain as researchers seek to obtain more complete descriptions of the susceptibility architecture of biomedical traits of interest and to translate the information gathered into improvements in clinical management.

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Preparation of this article was supported by funding from the European Commission to the MolPAGE Consortium (LSHG-CT-2004-512066: MMcC) and by research grants from the National Institutes for Health (NHGRI and NHLBI; GRA). We thank our colleagues — particularly P. Donnelly, J. Marchini, J. Barrett, E. Zeggini, C. Lindgren, M. Boehnke, F. Collins, C. Spencer and D. Altshuler for discussions and the reviewers for their comments.

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Correspondence to Mark I. McCarthy.

Ethics declarations

Competing interests

After the competion of this work, Professor Cardon accepted the post of Head of Genetics at GlaxoSmithKline. Although this move occurred after the completion of the paper, it nonetheless might be perceived as a conflict with industry and thus we wish to declare it explicitly.

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The McCarthy Group homepage

Catalog of published genome-wide association studies

Consolidated standards of reporting trials (CONSORT)


ENCODE project

European Genotyping Archive (EGA)

Genetic Association Information Network (GAIN)

Human Genome Epidemiology Network (HuGeNet)

International HapMap Consortium

National Cancer Institute's cancer genetic markers of susceptibility (CGEMS) study

Policy for sharing of data obtained in NIH supported or conducted GWA studies

Strengthening the reporting of observational studies in epidemiology (STROBE)

Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium



Genome-wide association (GWA) studies

Studies in which a dense array of genetic markers, which captures a substantial proportion of common variation in genome sequence, is typed in a set of DNA samples that are informative for a trait of interest. The aim is to map susceptibility effects through the detection of associations between genotype frequency and trait status.

Case–control design

An association study design in which the primary comparison is between a group of individuals (cases), ascertained for the phenotype of interest and that are presumed to have a high prevalence of susceptibility alleles for that trait, and a second group (controls), not ascertained for the phenotype and considered likely to have a lower prevalence of such alleles.

Selection bias

Bias arising from the fact that the samples ascertained for the study (particularly controls) might not be representative of the wider population that they are purported to represent.

Misclassification bias

Bias resulting from the failure to correctly assign individuals to the relevant group in a casecontrol study; for example, the presence of some individuals who meet the criteria for being cases in a population-based control sample.

Population stratification

The presence in study samples of individuals with different ancestral and demographic histories: if cases and controls differ with respect to these features, markers that are informative for them might be confounded with disease status and lead to spurious associations.

Cryptic relatedness

Evidence typically gained from analysis of GWA data that, despite allowance for known family relationships, individuals in the study sample have residual, non-trivial degrees of relatedness, which can violate the independence assumptions of standard statistical techniques.

Family-based association methods

A suite of analytical approaches in which association testing is performed within families: such approaches offer protection from population substructure effects but at the price of reduced power.


The phenomenon whereby a single allele can affect several distinct aspects of the phenotype of an organism, often traits not previously thought to be mechanistically related.

Linkage disequilibrium

(LD). The nonrandom allocation of alleles at nearby variants to individual chromosomes as a result of recent mutation, genetic drift or selection, manifest as correlations between genotypes at closely linked markers.

Copy number variant

(CNV). A class of DNA sequence variant (including deletions and duplications) in which the result is a departure from the expected diploid representation of DNA sequence.

DNA pooling approaches

Association studies that are conducted using estimates of allele frequencies derived from pools of DNA compiled from multiple subjects rather than individual DNA samples.

Informative missingness

If patterns of missing data are nonrandom with respect to both genotype and trait status, then analysis of the available genotypes can result in misleading associations where none truly exists.

Signal intensity (cluster) plots

Plots of raw intensity data for individual variants that are generated by the genotyping platform and represent the extent to which the various genotypes can be discriminated: these provide a useful visual diagnostic for the genotyping data quality.

Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium

(HWE). A theoretical description of the relationship between genotype and allele frequencies that is based on expectation in a stable population undergoing random mating in the absence of selection, new mutations and gene flow: in the context of genetic studies, departures from equilibrium can be used to highlight genotyping errors.

Quantile-quantile plot

(Q-Q plot). In the context of GWA studies, a Q-Q plot is a diagnostic plot that compares the distribution of observed test statistics with the distribution expected under the null.

Cochran–Armitage test

A genotype-based contingency-table test for association that is well suited to the detection of trends across ordinal categories (in this case, genotypes).


A school of statistics that uses p values and combines them with hypothesis testing to make inferences.

Bayes' factors

The Bayesian alternative to classical frequentist approaches to hypothesis testing, essentially equivalent to likelihood ratio tests: prior and posterior information are combined in a ratio that measures the strength of the evidence in favour of one model rather than the other.

False-positive report probability

The probability that a reported association between a genetic variant and a trait of interest is not true.

Haplotype-based methods

Association methods that rely on the relationship between the distribution of estimated haplotype frequencies and trait status, rather than each individual variant in turn.

Imputation methods

A set of approaches for filling in missing genotype data using a sparse set of genotypes (for example, from a GWA scan) and a scaffold of linkage disequilibrium relationships (as provided by the HapMap).

Mendelian randomization

An analytical approach that allows one to test for a causal relationship between two phenotypes that show observational associations, but are subject to confounding: Mendelian randomization makes use of the random segregation of susceptibility alleles at meiosis to explore causality in a model that is freed from most sources of confounding.

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McCarthy, M., Abecasis, G., Cardon, L. et al. Genome-wide association studies for complex traits: consensus, uncertainty and challenges. Nat Rev Genet 9, 356–369 (2008).

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